Single Tooth Implant

If you are missing a tooth, a single dental implant crestore both the beauty and function of a healthy smile.

Do I Need a Tooth Implant?

A missing tooth in an easily noticeable position can not only affect a person’s confidence, but it can also potentially cause oral health problems, including situations like tooth shifting, grinding, clenching, and jaw pain or bone loss. A missing tooth also creates spaces around teeth that are difficult to clean, increasing the risk of plaque and bacteria. All these problems can ultimately require additional dental care—meaning more headaches and more money.

How a Single Tooth Implant Works

A single tooth dental implant replaces a tooth lost due to decay, disease, injuries, or congenital conditions. It consists of a metal post that forms an artificial tooth root (the implant), an abutment inserted into the post, and a replacement tooth made of ceramic, metal, or porcelain fused metal.

A single dental implant is a superior solution for replacing a missing tooth, as it does not affect the surrounding teeth, unlike the alternative: a fixed tooth-supported bridge. While a supported bridge is appropriate for some patients, it necessitates more complex treatment of the surrounding teeth, using these as anchors for the false replacement tooth.

Discover the Benefits of a Single Tooth Implant

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, an estimated 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, but you don’t have to be one of them. There are numerous advantages of getting a single-tooth implant to replace a lost tooth:

  • Natural appearance. Replacement teeth look, feel, and function like natural teeth, so there’s no need to worry about your restoration being obvious when you smile.
  • Stable foundation. The metal implant holds the replacement tooth in place, preventing it from shifting or falling out. So, you can eat all your favorite foods with confidence!
  • Permanent solution. Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution for replacing a missing tooth, and they rarely have complications.
  • Promote bone health. The titanium post, which acts as an artificial tooth root, fuses with the jaw, stimulating bone growth to support and maintain the facial structure.
  • Less invasive. This process is less invasive than other options because there is no need to alter the structure of surrounding teeth— a single implant is more straightforward to insert.

The Implant Process

A single dental implant is a multi-step process that occurs over a few months.

Implantation is the first step. During your initial appointment, your dentist makes a small incision in the gum to expose the bone. They drill a hole in the bone and insert the titanium post. The gums are then stitched closed, and a temporary tooth is placed.

Over several weeks to months, the titanium post fuses with your jaw to create a stable foundation for a permanent restoration. When fully healed, you’ll return for another visit with your replacement tooth attached.

Dental implants are performed under local anesthetic, so you won’t feel discomfort. Thrive Dental also offers sedation dentistry if you’re anxious about the procedure or don’t respond well to local anesthetic. We strive to ensure our patients feel comfortable and pain-free during routine dental visits and oral surgery.

At Thrive Dental & Orthodontics, we go above and beyond inserting the implant to keep your teeth feeling great and functional. We’ll educate you on good oral hygiene practices and ensure you’re set up with regular dental exams and cleanings to protect your investment and prevent other serious problems from developing.

Single Dental Implant Recovery

A single implant placement typically causes less discomfort than tooth extractions or multiple implant surgery. However, you may have minor soreness, bruising, swelling, or bleeding at the implant site for a few days to a week or more following your procedure.

Over-the-counter pain relievers are generally effective in reducing any discomfort. We typically advise patients to stick to soft foods and avoid certain activities after surgery. Following your dentist’s after-care instructions promotes a smooth recovery without complications.

Am I a Candidate for a Single Tooth Implant?

While many patients benefit from a single tooth implant, a comprehensive oral examination, and X-rays are necessary to determine if it’s the ideal solution for you.

Our experienced dentists consider several factors before recommending single dental implants, including:

  • Gum health
  • Jawbone health and density
  • Health and position of remaining teeth
  • Oral hygiene habits and overall health


You are a good candidate for the procedure if you have healthy gums and adequate healthy bone to support a dental implant. If you decide to have implant surgery, your dentist will create and review your personalized treatment plan so you know what to expect and how to prepare. We are here to answer your questions and address any concerns every step of the way!

Start Your Journey to a Healthier Smile Today

Modern tooth implants are more durable, comfortable, and natural than ever. Call or book an appointment to start your smile transformation journey today. Our offices are in Frisco, Allen, Sachse, Richardson, and Dallas, Texas.

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