Metal Braces

Despite the variety of options to straighten teeth, people keep coming back for metal braces. Why? Because they work!

Metal Teeth Braces

Traditional metal braces are made from premium-grade metals and consist of brackets that are adhered to the teeth and arch wires running between the brackets. An orthodontist carefully sets the tension of the wires to exert the pressure that is necessary to gently guide the teeth into their desired positions.

Although the design and function of metal braces have remained the same over several decades, the materials and methods of installing braces have improved. Thrive Dental & Orthodontics stays up-to-date on all the latest advances in dental technology to deliver our clients the state-of-the-art care and treatment they expect and deserve.

Metal Braces are a Trusted Straightening Treatment 

Metal dental braces are a simple yet highly effective treatment for variety of orthodontic conditions, including:

  • Bite misalignment: Whether you have an overbite, underbite, crossbite or some other form of tooth misalignment, metal braces are designed to move your teeth where they should be.
  • Crooked teeth: The pressure exerted by traditional metal braces over time will gradually move crooked teeth into place.
  • Gaps between teeth: If you have too much space between your teeth, metal braces can pull them closer together, aiding both the function and appearance of your teeth.
  • Overcrowded teeth: Teeth that are too close together may leave you vulnerable to gum disease and other oral health problems. Metal braces open the gaps between teeth to allow brushing and flossing while reducing plaque, teeth grinding and other dental hazards.

Whatever dental or orthodontic issue you suffer from, metal braces are not only an effective treatment but are also typically more affordable than ceramic (clear) braces. When you consult with the experts at Thrive Dental, we can help you choose the best option for affordable braces and your overall dental health.

FAQs About Metal Braces

How long do I have to wear my metal braces?

Typically, metal braces take 12 – 24 months to straighten teeth, correct misalignments and solve other orthodontic issues. The length of time you have to wear braces will depend upon factors such as your age, the severity of your condition and your overall dental health.

Are metal braces better than ceramic braces?

The choice between metal and ceramic braces comes down to your preferences and priorities. If you simply do not like the look of metal braces, then ceramic (also known as invisible) braces may be a better option for you. If durability and price are your main concerns, then you can’t go wrong with traditional metal braces.

Can I play sports and musical instruments with metal braces?

You should be able to play any sport or musical instrument you are accustomed to playing after you have your braces installed. Be sure to wear a mouthguard if you play contact sports, as a blow to your face could cause your lips or cheeks to come into contact with your braces.

As for musical instruments like flutes, clarinets and trumpets, you may need to slightly adjust the position of your mouth to play them, but it shouldn’t take long to adapt.

What should I do if a bracket or wire breaks?

Contact your orthodontist as soon as possible if you have a problem with your braces, such as breaking a wire or bracket. Thrive takes great care to install braces in a manner that is durable, comfortable and lasting, but we will always be happy to help you if a problem arises.

Can adults get metal braces?

Traditional metal braces are a good option for people of any age! It all comes down to your aesthetic preferences, but if there were ever stigmas about adults wearing metal braces, they are largely a thing of the past.

Take The First Step Toward Your Perfect Smile

The orthodontic experts at Thrive Dental are here to help you unleash the maximum function and aesthetic appeal of your teeth through traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, clear aligners, and other options. With clinics in Frisco, Allen, Sachse, Richardson, and Dallas, we can provide you with state-of-the-art dental and orthodontic treatment in a location that is convenient to you. Contact us or book now to learn more about metal braces and other orthodontic options that may be right for you

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