$1,000 Discount on Braces, Invisalign, and select Orthodontic Services
When you visit us at Thrive Dental & Orthodontics, we’ll examine your dental situation, snap some X-rays, and take some glamour shots of your teeth.
Then, we’ll whip up a personalized orthodontic plan to transform your smile. Our Orthodontists can even show you a sneak peek of your future grin with some cool 3-D magic.
Braces – The Classic
Orthodontic treatment with dental braces varies depending on the severity of your case but generally lasts between 1 and 3 years. In some instances, expanders are needed to create space for shifting teeth or improve how the upper and lower jaw fit together, adding time to the overall treatment plan.
Invisalign – The Clear
Our Invisalign specialists use impressions from your mouth and computer-generated images to create molds that force your teeth into the desired position. You’ll swap them out every couple of weeks as your teeth get closer to perfection. Once we’re done, you’ll get Invisalign retainers to keep that smile in check for life.
Map and Directions:
10935 Rolater Rd #100 Frisco, TX 75035
Map and Directions:
1010 W Exchange Pkwy #1130
Allen, TX 75013
Map and Directions:
7900 Woodbridge Pkwy #200 Sachse, TX 75048
Map and Directions:
4150 E Renner Rd #400 Richardson, TX 75082
Map and Directions:
17977 Preston Rd A
Dallas, TX 75252
M-Th: 10-6pm
Friday: 10-5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
We accept the following insurance plans
It is our mission and honor to help you & your family Thrive.
Thrive Dental and Orthodontics 2025 | Legal Notices | Sitemap